Women’s Fellowship

Thursday, 8pm (2nd Thursday of the Monthly)

The Women’s Fellowship is actively involved in the life of the Parish whilst also attracting members from the wider community.  Its aim is to give the women of the parish an opportunity of meeting together to enjoy the fellowship of others.

To maintain interest in the work of the church both at home and abroad. Assisting in efforts for the social and financial welfare of the church.  Above all, to be associated in the advancement of Christ’s Kingdom. Interesting programmes are drawn up which include a variety of speakers, fund raising events for the church and community and day or weekend trips to places of interest.

Sunday School

Sunday mornings (during service)

Our Sunday School is called JIGSAW. The aims of Jigsaw are:

  • To teach children, from an early age, sound Christian Doctrine and Biblical truths.
  • To nurture children in their faith and seek to make the Bible alive and relevant to them.

Soup & Stew Lunches

Tuesday, 2-4pm (Fortnightly)

This group of parishioners provides Soup and Stew lunches to the local community in our church hall.  The meals are free and our provided fortnightly on a Tuesday through out late Autumn and Winter.  They provide a place of warmth and engagement with the local community.

Men’s Fellowship

Tuesday, 8pm (3rd Sunday of the month)

The group provides Christian fellowship for men of all denominations.

At our regular meetings we have guest speakers who discuss a wide variety of subjects which we hope will inform and educate. We also have visits to well-known sites like Parliament Buildings, Belfast City Hall and locally Scarvagh House Stud, and occasional activity trips like quad bike racing.

Men’s Fellowship meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month from September through to April. At present we have approximately fifteen regular members with others joining us for meetings or trips that are of interest to them.


Tuesdays, 7.30pm

The choir leads the weekly worship to help inspire those attending through words and music to a deeper understanding and love of God.

Choir practice takes place on Tuesday at 7.30pm in the Church, at present we have twenty five members but we are always keen to have new members.

Bowling Club

Wednesdays, 8.30pm (October – March)

The bowling club meets in the Church Hall and competes in league and cup competitions. They have won many trophies and are proud to have had three members gain Irish caps and also have members who have won the British Isles Triple Championship.

Autumn Leaves

Mondays, 2-4pm (1st & 3rd weeks of the month)

The Autumn Leaves group was started to provide a place where women from the Church and general community could meet socially and learn new skills.

There is a wide variety of speakers throughout the year, some provide demonstrations such as flower arranging. The meetings take place in the Minor Hall every other Monday and are open to all, who can come along and have some fun and enjoy the fellowship of like-minded local people.